Ronnie Wood Autograph
Artist of the Month

Ronnie Wood – Artist of The Month June 2024

Ronnie Wood – Artist of The Month June 2024

Born in June 1st 1947, on the cusp of a rock and roll revolution, Ronnie Wood was destined for a life filled with music and mayhem. Growing up in a West London household buzzing with artistic energy, Ronnie was surrounded by music. His father played harmonica, his brothers were accomplished musicians, and the air crackled with creative electricity. This environment nurtured a young Ronnie’s musical talents, and by his teens, he was already wielding a guitar, eager to carve his own path in the burgeoning British rock scene.

Ronnie’s musical journey began in the mid-60s, a time of seismic shifts in music. He hopped from band to band, honing his skills and soaking up influences. The Birds, The Creation, even a short stint with blues legend Jeff Beck – each band added a brushstroke to Ronnie’s artistic canvas. But it was with The Faces, a band overflowing with raw talent and raucous energy, that Ronnie truly found his voice. Alongside the iconic Rod Stewart, Ronnie unleashed his flamboyant guitar work and song writing prowess. Tracks like “Stay With Me” and “It’s All Over Now” became anthems for a generation, showcasing the band’s infectious blend of blues, rock, and pure rock and roll swagger.

However, fate, or perhaps a healthy dose of rock and roll hedonism, had other plans for The Faces. By the mid-70s, the band fractured, leaving a void in Ronnie’s life. But the void wouldn’t last long. In 1975, Ronnie received a call that would change the course of his career – a call from the legendary Rolling Stones.

Joining The Rolling Stones was a baptism by fire. Stepping into the shoes of Mick Taylor, a guitarist revered for his bluesy brilliance, was no easy feat. Yet, Ronnie, with his own unique blend of gritty riffs and melodic sensibilities, seamlessly integrated into the band’s sound. Tracks like “Miss You” and “Start Me Up” bear the mark of Ronnie’s influence, adding a new dimension to the Stones’ already formidable sound.

Life as a Rolling Stone meant a life on the road. Stadiums became their playgrounds, private jets their chariots. Ronnie revelled in the rock and roll lifestyle, the electrifying energy of live shows, the camaraderie with his bandmates. But amidst the whirlwind, Ronnie never neglected his artistic side. A prolific painter, he found solace in expressing himself on canvas, his vibrant colours and swirling lines mirroring the energy of his music.

Throughout the decades, Ronnie has weathered the storms of rock and roll life. Personal struggles became public fodder, but Ronnie, with unwavering resilience, battled his demons and emerged stronger. His dedication to his art remained constant, with exhibitions showcasing his ever-evolving style.

Today, Ronnie Wood stands as a rock and roll icon. A two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, with The Faces and The Rolling Stones, his career spans decades and continents. His music continues to inspire generations, his artwork adorn galleries, and his infectious energy remains a constant. Ronnie Wood is a testament to the enduring power of rock and roll, a testament to the unwavering spirit of an artist who refuses to be confined by genre or expectation. He is a living legend, a rock and roll survivor, and a true artist in every sense of the word.

To celebrate his birthday we are offering a 10% discount on all Ronnie Wood and The Rolling Stones (excluding Bill Wyman) hand signed memorabilia. This is the biggest discount we have ever offered on Rolling Stones memorabilia – so be quick! Simply use the discount code UU4D7HPA at the checkout. Terms and conditions apply.

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